Archivo mensual: abril 2013

HBD Sanandresana

Sanandresana, cuántos? 20? 21? 17? Je ne peux pas croir que tu sois trop grand. Je me souviens de quand tu étais la petite inocent fille que voulait connaître le monde et faire des grandes choses. Je ne veux jaimais que tu perdes ça. C’est la raison por la quelle tu est destinée à accomplir une vie pleine d’experiénces, de chocoaventures, mais ça ne signifie pas que tu oublies ton chemin dans ce grand universe de experiénces et opportunités qui s’ouvre avant de toi. Ne laisses pas que ton feu se atténue ni te laisses pas endormir. Ne rêves plus, réveille et vivre la vie que tu veux vivre. Suis ton Thumos et entête toi en être la femme que tu veux être: pas demain; aujourd hui. Malgré tout, la distance, je t’aime beaucoup et j’aimaris beaucoup être l’homme que tu mérites mais je crois que c’est mieux être ton ami: ces’t la seule chose, le seul cadeaux, que je peux te donner. Pas plus. Pas moins. Transmillennium.

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Musical Friday: เธอคือความฝัน «Tur Kue Kwam Fun» Only God Forgives (trailer music)

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«God is on your side, but I don’t think that you’re on His…»

80-Proof Oinomancy

I’m going to tell you something you won’t like.

Not even a little.

You’ll get angry.


Rant and rage at me.

But in the end—

I’ll still be right.


Do you want to preserve freedom?

Truly, deeply and abidingly preserve it?

Here’s how (though it will never happen):

Take all the money that would be spent on increased surveillance.

More troops.

More police.

More machines, drones and weapons built and bought to «keep us free».

Take it all–every last dime:

And put it in one big account to pay for state funerals.


Purchase burial plots.

Fund pomp and circumstance.

Give payments to the decedents’ relatives.

All for/to the victims of anything the government officially declares an «act of terrorism».


Show those that would attack us in order to make our government so overbearing as to incite rebellion (which is the actual goal of True terrorism, for…

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Quote: The Red Pill Room: Breaking Beta: “Because I am afraid. And he gives me Courage.”

No matter how doughty and dedicated the warrior, without a worthy task or precious vulnerability to protect, bravery is a shallow thing. The warrior who fights for survival is honorable. The warrior who fights for gain is bold. The warrior who fights for others even as they fight for him, is noble. And the warrior who can admit his fear and his dependence on others is wise.

Honorable, bold, noble and wise – these are the elements the Beta hobbits of our post-industrial Shire need, but they can’t get them online and they can’t get them from women. Only in the company of men, guided by the wise, through hardship and adversity will they shed their fear, find their strength, and become the men their ancestors intended them to be.

via The Red Pill Room: Breaking Beta: “Because I am afraid. And he gives me Courage.”.

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How To Discover Your Life’s Path — And Achieve Mastery

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Wald’s Challenge Week 8 “Oblivion” @Scarred_Tissue

On sunday 24th febrary I accepted Walderschmidt’s challenge.

CHALLENGE ACCEPTED: 100 SIT UPS/PUSH-UPS in 2″, 20 Pull Ups in 2″ and run a mile (1,605 km) in 6″.

Oblivion. Nothing. Nicht. Nada. What can I say? «Acta non Verba».

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